Top Priority Initiatives

Explore our proactive initiatives focused on reducing environmental impact, enhancing social responsibility, and strengthening governance practices.


  • Upstream Subholding
  • Refining & Petrochemical Subholding
  • Commercial & Trading Subholding
  • Integrated Marine Logistic Subholding
  • Gas Subholding
  • Power & NRE Subholding
In 2023, Pertamina Group successfully reduced carbon emissions by 1.135.099 Ton CO2 eq

Carbon Business: Nature Based Solution & Pilot Voluntary Carbon Market

The 1st carbon trading transaction on IDX Carbon involving both internal and external Pertamina Group occurred on September 26th, 2023. A total of ~490 ktCO2eq from geothermal powerplant Lahendong

Waste & Water Program

Water risk quick assessment with Pertamina Water Tools has been conducted in selected locations

Process Safety Management

PSAIMS Audit has been carried out with scope focusing on the implementation of Process Safety and Asset Integrity systems at site locations

Asset Integrity Management

Development & implementation of Asset Integrity Management System Guidelines

NRE Development

Installation of Solar Power Plant project with a capacity 16,2 MW has been completed in Pertamina Group areas

Energizing Community - Desa Energi Berdikari

There are 19 villages that categorized as Desa Energi Berdikari, with new renewable energy used to optimize the community development, such as Solar Panel 100,66 kWp, Micro hydro 5.000 Watt and biogas 4 m3/year

Energizing Community - Hutan Pertamina

In 2023, Pertamina has planted 2,063,446 mangrove and 1,260,000 trees

Sustainable Products & Service – Implementation of B35

Pertamina supports Indonesia government’s program to supply Biodiesel (B35) at 119 locations (Fuel Terminal)

Sustainable Products & Service – SPBKLU

Pertamina has installed 25 battery swapping stations (BSS) for electrical vehicle

Fighting Fraud Together

80% of the Pertamina Group has been certified with ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS)

Emission Management

Enhancement GHG calculation tools for emission scope 1, scope 2 and scope 3, refer to International Standard (such as API Compendium, GHG Protocol, GRI, IPIECA) and best practices

Implement ESG Financing

Pertamina’s Sustainable Financing Framework has been verified by ISS ESG (Institutional Shareholder Services Inc) as SPO (Second Party Opinion) Provider

Sustainability Budget Tagging

Completion of Sustainability Budget Tagging (SBT) for 2024 Pertamina Group’s work plan and budget

Integrated CCUS/CCS Strategy & Roadmap

5 Carbon Capture Storage (CCS) ongoing program in Pertamina such as CCS Asri Basin Exxon Mobil, Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) Sukowati, CCUS Gundih, CCS Donggi Matindok and CCS Central Sumatra Mistusi

Cyber Security Certification & Training

Participants completed the mandatory iSec: 35.026 cyber security training and Pertamina has a phishing prone rate of 5,16%

Respecting and Empowering People for Sustainable Business Voluntary Principles

The mandatory Respectful Workplace Policy (RWP) training for 15.000 participants has been conducted and the Women LEAP program has been carried out until graduation

Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights Pertamina

Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights training has been attended by security employees and BKO TNI (Bawah Kendali Operasi Tentara Nasional Indonesia) personnels

Top 10 decarbonization programs to overall emission reduction

Sub-holding Upstream is the largest contributor for decarbonizations with most of the emission reduction comes from energy efficiency programs.

Decarbonization Program Location Emission Reduction*(Updated 2023)
Fuel Gas Usage Efficiency by Optimizing Gas Turbine Operation (from 30 MMSCFD to 28 MMSCFD) Upstream Subholding 128.454,19 Ton CO2e
Efficiency of Fuel Gas usage with Optimization of Gas Turbine Operation (from 40 MMSCFD to 34 MMSCFD) Upstream Subholding 76.788 Ton CO2e
Program Minimize Flare to Fuel Gas Refining & Petrochemical Subholding 72.325,45 Ton CO2e
Fuel Gas Usage Efficiency by Optimizing Gas Turbine Operation (from 34 MMSCFD to 30 MMSCFD) Upstream Subholding 68.083,20 Ton CO2e
Flare Gas Reduction with Installation of Mini Gas Compressor and LP Gas Flow Change at SP BBS Field Subang Upstream Subholding 62.077,38 Ton CO2e
Use of B30 Biodiesel as Fuel for Marine Fleet Upstream Subholding 54.457,50 Ton CO2e
Optimization of Flare Gas utilization for Turbine Fuel at 2 facilities (Petani GP/GS and Pematang GS) Upstream Subholding 54.059,78 Ton CO2e
“DNA Pro” Innovation in Senipah Field Upstream Subholding 30.410,32 Ton CO2e
Conversion of diesel fuel to B30 Upstream Subholding 29.518,84 Ton CO2e
Naturalization of Ship Fuel to Diesel B35 Upstream Subholding 26.083.17 Ton CO2e

*Data collected from January to December 2023