Sustainability Focus

Pertamina has 10 sustainability focus, accompanied by a series of program initiatives strategically designed to bolster our nation's commitment to sustainability and our pursuit of Net-Zero Emissions (NZE).


Energizing The Earth

Addressing Climate Change

For Pertamina, climate change is one of the main concerns to be addressed. Here you can discover our commitment in implementing those strategies and initiatives

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Reducing Environmental Footprint

Reducing environmental footprint is a central objective for Pertamina. We are committed to implementing strategies that minimize our impact on the environment, including reducing water use, waste production, and oil spills

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Protecting Biodiversity

Protecting biodiversity is a crucial priority for Pertamina. We are dedicated to implementing measures that safeguard natural habitats, conserve biodiversity, and minimize the ecological footprint of our operations.

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Energizing People

Enhancing Health and Safety

Here you can explore how Pertamina is dedicated to enhancing health and safety standards across all operations. We prioritize the well-being of our employees, communities, and the environment through strict safety protocols and proactive health initiatives

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Prevention of Major Accidents

To protect our people, Pertamina has strategic prevention to mitigate the risk of major accidents

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Respecting & Empowering Our People

At Pertamina, we are dedicated to fostering a culture of inclusivity, diversity, and empowerment, ensuring that every individual is valued, respected, and provided with opportunities for growth and development

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Reorienting Innovation and Research

Pertamina sets the orientation of innovation and research by targeting them towards sustainability driven solutions. We prioritize innovative technologies and research initiatives that promote environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and operational efficiency

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Expanding Community Engagement and Impact

At Pertamina, we strive to strengthen our relationships with local communities, listening to their needs and collaborating on initiatives that create positive social, economic, and environmental impacts

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Energizing Integrity

Strengthening Cyber Security

At Pertamina, cybersecurity is a top priority. We use strong measures and the latest technologies to protect our digital assets, keep sensitive information safe, and reduce cyber threats

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Leveraging Corporate Ethics

At Pertamina, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and accountability in all aspects of our operations. Our corporate ethics guide our decision making processes and ensure that we conduct business with honesty, fairness, and respect for all stakeholders

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